Arun Prakash A
Weather prediction
Chat bots , voice assistants : Alexa
Gaming : Alpha go
Recommendation : Amazon
Automobiles and Robotics: Autonomous car
Rules well defined, known or not
Data |
x1 = [3,5,4] |
x2 = [3,4,5] |
x3 = [4,2,1] |
x4 = [6,7,8] |
x5 = [1,2,3] |
x6 = [1,1,1] |
x7 = [1,2,0] |
Data | label |
x1 = [3,5,4] | 0 |
x2 = [3,4,5] | 1 |
x3 = [4,2,1] | 0 |
x4 = [6,7,8] | 1 |
x5 = [1,2,3] | 1 |
x6 = [1,1,1] | 1 |
x7 = [1,2,0] | 0 |
Terminology: Features (\(x_j^i)\),number of samples (n) , Labels (Ground truth) (\(y^i)\)
Features (\(x_j^i \)), Index starts from 1
number of samples (n=7),
Labels (Ground truth) (\(y^i),y^2=1\)
80% of total : 455
20% of training :91
20% of total: 204
Train Set:
Validation Set:
Test Set:
Total samples: 659
Supervised (Data with labels)
Unsupervised (Data without labels)
Density Estimation
Dimensionality Reduction
Output: Discrete and Finite
Loss: 0-1 loss
Output: Continuous and infinite in general
Loss: MSE
Encoder, decoder (compressor or decompressor),
Loss (Reconstruction error)
Estimate PDF (Mean, variance),
Loss: Log-likelhood
Data |
x1 = [3,5,4] |
x2 = [3,4,5] |
x3 = [2,1,4] |
x4 = [6,7,8] |
x5 = [1,2,3] |
x6 = [1,1,1] |
x7 = [1,2,0] |
Linear Classification Model
Label |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
\(w_0,w_1,w_2\) are parameters or weights of the model. The best values for the parameters will be learned from the data
Given a new sample, \( x = [1,-1,1]\), predict the output.