Geogebra for Interactive Teaching and Learning
5:00 PM
1.Importance of Visualization
2. Geogebra and its capability
4. Applets for Visualizing 1D and 2D functions
5. Applets for Activity based Learning
6. Conclusion
3. Funny and Motivating Example
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
The game I play is a very interesting one. It’s imagination, in a tight strait-jacket.
Richard Feynman
I like to play about with equations, just looking for beautiful mathematical relations which maybe don’t have any physical meaning at all. Sometimes they do.
Paul Dirac
The universe is
full of



their Interactions
So is Geogebra !
Funny and Motivating Example
Car is an Object in the universe
(Point in the coordinate system)
Moving is an (inter)action
(Change in Coordinate of the point)
Collision is an (Inter)action
(Overlapping Coordinate Points)
Click on the Buttons to Start/Stop driving
With this Object Oriented view, I Hope, we can (Ideally) visualize anything in Geogebra!
You can Interact with the applets in the upcoming slides and get a feel for it.
To illustrate the capability of geogebra, I have cherry-picked examples that we may already be familiar with.
Know the objects involved and their Interactions (Relations)
Taylor Series
Please do not run away !
What is Taylor Series?
Taylor series is a way of approximating any continuously differentiable function \(\mathscr{f(x)}\) using polynomials of degree \(n\). The higher the degree the better the approximation!.
\(\mathscr{f}(x)=\mathscr{f}(p)+\frac{\mathscr{f'}(p)}{1!}(x-p)+\frac{\mathscr{f''}(p)}{2!}(x-p)^2+\frac{\mathscr{f'''}(p)}{3!}(x-p)^3+ \cdots\)
\(\eta \in (0,1) \) is a parameter to adjust the gradient value to obtain a better approximation around point \(p\)
Linear Approximation (\( n=1 \))
\( \mathscr{f}(x)=\mathscr{f}(p)+\eta \frac{\mathscr{f'}(p)}{1!}(x-p) \)
Quadratic Approximation (\(n=2\))
\(\mathscr{f}(x)=\mathscr{f}(p)+\eta \frac{\mathscr{f'}(p)}{1!}(x-p)+\eta^2 \frac{\mathscr{f''}(p)}{2!}(x-p)^2 \)
Try with different \( f(x) \) such as \(x^2,exp(x),sin(x),x^3 \cdots \) and see how closely taylor series approximate the function at the point \(x = X\) and around its neighbour \(\epsilon \)
You can drag the point on the sliders
You can increase/decrease Polynomial
Degree by clicking +/- symbol
Let us extend the Taylor series to 2D functions and Observe how it approximates the surface in and around the point \(\mathbf{x}\)
Approximation in 2D
Adjust the slider \(p\) to see the Linear approximation of \(f(x)\)at the point \(p\)
Notice the gradient (\(dp\)) value.
Change the value of \(p\) according to the gradient value. That is, take a step \(p\pm dp\) (Enter the new value for \(p\) in the input box only)
After few adjustments, did you reach the local minimum?
If no, Repeat the game and make necessary
changes to land in local minima.
Activity: Land on Local minima with gradient as guidance
Sampling from a Gaussian Distribution
We need not to create everything from scratch!
We can Look for existing applets created by thousands of authors
If not satisfied, modify it or
Create Our Own!
Following Slides Contain
a few examples
As you have witnessed, Geogebra can be the great visualization tool for both teachers and learners
It enhances the teaching learning process
Literally, we can build any interactive applet.
However, there are some other applets tailored for particular subjects such as
for Data Structures (Linked Lists, B-Trees, Graphs)
Thank you
Geogebra for Interactive Teaching
By Arun Prakash
Geogebra for Interactive Teaching
Sensitization on Geogebra
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